My Sig Other is complaining that they never see me. But I can't make more time for dates - I need clients!
My Sig Other is complaining that they never see me. But I can't make more time for dates - I need clients!
How much of my life story do I need to tell the new person I’m dating?
I recently discovered my boyfriend is married. What do I do?
Things NOT to do now that I'm newly unemployed?
Questions to ask a potential date?
I’m terrible at dating - how do I get better?
My SO and I live together; the house we’re renting will be sold soon. Now SUDDENLY WE ARE BUYING A HOUSE! Which is exciting…except that his parents are providing the down payment…and my name won’t be on the title.
I know this question has been asked to death, but how soon is too soon to go all in?
Lots of crying and drama.
My Significant Other and I are about to take our first trip together. What advice do you have?
My SO and I have been dating for a year, and living together for several months. Should we buy a house together?
When I go running with my SO, he always runs just ahead of me. How can I get him to run WITH me instead of always taking the lead?