
Things NOT to do now that I'm newly unemployed?

Telling People

Hmmm. Things NOT to do now that you’re unemployed.

Let’s see.

I’m going to switch the question into THINGS TO DO now that you’re unemployed.

If we focus on what NOT to do, then it’ll just call the negative into being.

So let’s flip it. 

But anyway.

Things to do during unemployment.

Do give yourself a little time to process before you start telling everyone. I recommend taking some time and seeing how you feel about this event/moment before you start getting everyone else’s opinions. Even if it's just 24 hours - let it sink in for a bit.

Once you start telling people you’re unemployed, make sure you’re consistent in your story. Let yourself rehearse a little bit, and get the talking points down so you can be calm in the face of people’s reactions.

Keep a schedule. Get up at your regular time in the morning, make your smoothie, do your exercises, and take a shower. Use your workday hours for productive endeavors such as polishing your resume, networking with colleagues, and reaching out to your contacts for leads (assuming another job is what you’re looking for).

Take a mental holiday. Do an activity or a retreat to get your brain back to its normal state. Get excited about something. A few days in nature or a different city can do wonders for breaking you out of the funk that’s your last position. 

Don’t make a bunch of promises you aren’t willing to keep. 

Don’t fill up your days with stuff to keep yourself from thinking.

Stay soberish (so you can keep that schedule).

Evaluate your next move and where/what you’d like your next role to look like.

Have fun.

Enjoy the time.


PS - I know these tips seem very basic and non-dating-related, but they're also super easy to overlook. The reality is: you've got to keep your sh*t somewhat together, so you can continue getting the dates (and/or continue dating the person you're already with).

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